Credit Counsel Elite
Fundraising Campaign for Journey to Refuge
How your donation is helping to change lives:
Funding house builds that will provide a home for a family living in extreme poverty
Sponsoring our day trips that focus on providing food and resources to refugees and orphans
Supporting our Christmas Initiative that provides gifts and food items for families living in extreme poverty
Children In Need
In Northern Baja’s area of Mexico alone, over 6,000 children live on the streets or in dangerous/abusive situations, and thousands more live in extreme poverty.
Haitian Refugees
There is a large Haitian diaspora in Mexico. According to a 2021 report, approximately 71,559 Haitian-born people are living in Mexico.
Extreme Poverty
Mexico | 3.8 million more poor and 2.1 million more in extreme poverty between 2018-2020. Between 2018 and 2020, the population living in poverty increased by 7.3%, from 51.9 to 55.7 million inhabitants, and the population living in extreme poverty grew 24.1%, from 8.7 to 10.8 million.