Let’s provide nourishment and hope by serving a hot meal to those who need it. Together we can make a difference.

  • In Northern Baja’s area of Mexico alone, over 6,000 children live on the streets or under dangerous/abusive situations, and thousands more live in extreme poverty.

  • There is a large Haitian diaspora in Mexico. According to a 2021 report, there are approximately 71,559 Haitian-born people living in Mexico.

  • Mexico | 3.8 million more poor and 2.1 million more in extreme poverty between 2018-2020. Between 2018 and 2020, the population living in poverty increased by 7.3%, from 51.9 to 55.7 million inhabitants, and the population living in extreme poverty grew 24.1%, from 8.7 to 10.8 million.

February 5th day trip

On Saturday, February 5th we will take a group of volunteers across the border into Mexico to serve a hot meal to Haitian refugees, Mexican families, and children living in extreme poverty. If you would like to volunteer or support this cause please click the links below. Thank you for helping us make a difference!

We need help providing hot meals and spreading hope on this day. If you would like to join a group of like-minded individuals that will cross the border into Mexico on February 5th and provide hands-on support, please fill out the volunteer form. We will have a nice meal together at a local restaurant before returning.

The food we will be serving, transportation, and efforts have a cost associated. With your help, we can make this initiative possible. Thank you for your consideration in making a tax-deductable donation towards making this cause possible.

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