Refugee Camp Trip - October 10th
Thank you so much to everyone who donated to our day at the refugee camp. I am so happy to report that we had a successful trip.
Our group that attended had a great time connecting and hanging out with some precious little kiddos as well as shopping and packing and unloading lots of donations and supplies. They did some manual labor and got their workout in! šŖš¼
When we arrived at the camp we were blown away at the number of children who were there for the church service. Hundreds of them. So even though we had purchased a lot of goodies it seemed very sparse in comparison to the sea of kids. I immediately started worrying and was imagining the worst, having to turn away kids from one small joy like a stick of bubbles was going to break my heart. So I prayed! And you know what, it all worked out! It was honestly like the story in the Bible about the boy who had the 2 small fish and the 5 loaves of bread. There was enough for all the kids and we had leftovers. We were so grateful!
After talking to the pastor of the refugee camp he said he was so grateful that we came and that the spirit of those at the camp was so much higher and there was a palpable joy.
We were also able to buy 30 large boxes of frozen chicken to donate to the camp. We later found out that we had supplied them with enough chicken to last a month! We hope to continue to fund this for them.
We made this happen with small contributions from many people and Iām so grateful for all of you that gave your resources and time.
Stay tuned for more! Monthly day trips happening soon and dates for an open house build will be in January as well as our Christmas initiative on December 18th!
Much love,
Candice Bottomley
Journey to Refuge | Director